Dragon Flag
Expert - Strength - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Core figure highlighted in blue



Shoulders figure highlighted in blue


Upper Legs figure highlighted in blue

Upper Legs

Recommended Equipment

Bench equipment


How to do it

Steps :

1.) Start by laying on a decline or flat bench and grabbing the end of it behind your head with both hands.

2.) Squeeze and create tension throughout your body so that you are able to feel your muscles and abdominals tighten

3.) Then from the starting position swing your feet upward so that your body is almost vertical or completely vertical.

4.) Keep your abdominals tight and your entire body as straight as possible as you are pointed up in the air.

5.) Hold this position for as long as possible, squeezing your muscles and abs as much as you can.

6.) Once you complete your rep, slowly lower your feet towards the floor in a controlled manner.

7.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.