Barbell Snatch from Blocks
Expert - Olympic Weight Lifting - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Upper Legs figure highlighted in blue


Upper Legs

Back figure highlighted in blue


Shoulders figure highlighted in blue


Recommended Equipment

Barbell equipment


How to do it

Steps :

1.) Begin by standing in front of a barbell rested upon boxes, with your feet shoulder width apart and gripping the bar with a double overhand shoulder width grip.

2.) Bring the bar to about lower knee level, keeping your back straight, then extend through your hips and knees forcefully driving the weight upward and shrugging your shoulders to your ears at the same time.

3.) Moving your feet into the receiving position, pull yourself below the bar as you elevate it overhead making sure that you receive the bar as low as possible and extend your arms up fully over your body.

4.) Make sure that you have a balanced standing position and hold for a count, then slowly and under control lower the bar back to the ground.

5.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.