Cycling Strength Training: 12-Weeks
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Feb 15th 2013

Cycling Strength Training: 12-Weeks


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is a 12 week cycling training routine that is focused upon building strength and endurance in muscles used in cycling through multi joint free weight/machine exercises.

In this routine you will be performing the same exercises for 12 weeks but with each week you will be changing the amount of reps and sets performed for each workout.

The exercises performed in this routine are major muscle building workouts to help with cycling and gaining strength.

You will only perform this routine on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout your week as other days you will do your cycling training. You do not want to overtrain with weights as you can injure yourself or strain muscles that are main components for cycling.

As you continue through the weeks in this routine, you will want to decrease the amount of sets and increase the amount of weights to help strengthen and build up the muscles being worked.

*** Notes :

If you don't have free weights available you can use machines in place for some of the free weight exercises.

Make sure that you warm up before weight training so that you do not strain or pull any muscles that are used for cycling.

You can decrease the amount of rest between each set if you want to increase the amount of intensity in this routine.

It is important to perform each rep to the fullest to make sure that you are gaining the full benefit from the exercise.