Stronger and Bigger Shoulders
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Feb 5th 2013

Stronger and Bigger Shoulders


2 DAYS - Bulking - Beginner

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is a 6 week shoulder routine for those who want to focus on building stronger and bigger shoulders.

For many people who lift, there is a desire to have wide and thick shoulders to carry and keep your frame in proportion.

In this routine you will focus upon exercises that will target the small muscles of the shoulders and stimulate the separation of the fibers to create that coconut look that many desire to have.

For the first 3 weeks of the routine you will work with dumbbells to initiate the separation of the shoulder muscles and work the smaller muscle fibers for growth.

Then going into weeks 4 - 6, you will use barbell exercises to isolate the shoulder muscles and focus upon growth and strength.

When you start the first set of each exercise you will perform the amount of weight that you can do 12 repetitions for, followed by increasing the amount of weight and lowering the reps until you have completed all of the sets.

*** Notes : Also by working out your shoulders/delts it will slim out your waist line.

For the first 3 weeks you can also substitute in cable exercises instead of dumbbells to target muscle separation.