Get Rid Of That Muffin Top
JefitTeam avatar JefitTeam
Apr 3rd 2013

Get Rid Of That Muffin Top

DOWNLOADS/VIEWS: 2206/103006

1 DAYS - Cutting - Intermediate

Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

As the summer season starts to roll in and people perform cutting routines, there is a desire to lose that muffin top (extra fat around the waist line).

This routine is a cutting routine that is focused around performing abdominal, leg, back and cardio exercises to help tighten and lean out the waistline for the summer.

With this routine you will be performing it 3 times a week to properly train and increase calorie burning throughout the body.

Since this is a cutting routine you will focus on the amount of reps that you to increase your metabolic and heart rate thus enhancing caloric burning in the body.

For any cutting routine it is important to perform at least 40 minutes of cardio to stimulate the body into burning any fat storages.

*** Note :

Diet is key for any routine that is meant to lean out the stomach and waistline. It is important to eat clean foods (i.e lean chicken, vegetables, fruits, and high fiber foods) and stay clean of heavy carbohydrates that will sit in your stomach thus storing as fat.

You can add in some warm-up sets into each workout to loosen up your abdominal muscles.

If these exercises do not suit your need, you can substitute other abdominal workouts into this routine.