Hack Squat
Beginner - Strength - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Upper Legs figure highlighted in blue


Upper Legs

Lower Legs figure highlighted in blue

Lower Legs

Glutes figure highlighted in blue


Recommended Equipment

Machine - Strength equipment

Machine - Strength

How to do it

The hack squat exercise is a variation of the squat workout which uses a machine in place of squat rack and may be preferred by beginners.

Steps :

1.) Start off lying face up on a hack squat machine with your shoulders up against the pad, placing your feet forward at a slightly less than shoulder-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward as this will be your starting position.

2.) Once in position, release the dock levers, place your hands on the grips, keep your abs tightly drawn in and extend your body so that you are standing upright.

3.) Slowly lower your body down into a squatting position so that your knees are bent and you feel a stretch in your quad and hamstring muscles.

4.) Hold for a count and then return back to the starting position.

5.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.