Focused Strength Training
vreflect avatar vreflect
Jan 7th 2014

Focused Strength Training


Equipment required: Dumbell, Barbell, Kettlebell, Bench, and Machine

This plan supports Interval mode and Audio Cue & Pro Tips

This is an experimental routine (to me) that focuses on strength movements rather than body splits, based on my findings from various resources.

The high (6) set low (4) rep exercises should consist of 3 warm up sets up to 70% of your 1RM. The other 3 should be close, if not, to failure. Feel free to mix up your rep and set ranges. A good mix is low, high, mid.

I always start out with a good warm up of jumping jacks, burpees or squats, lunges, and pushups or mountain climbers on leg days (20 seconds or counts each). Then, I do about a 5-7 min. stretch for the appropriate exercise movements.

The workouts range from hardest to easiest so that you can gradually finish off a satisfying workout. There are some tough bodyweight exercises mixed in that should not be taken lightly, because they are going to be even harder once your limbs are like jelly.

If you don't have a spotting partner, like myself, your last set should be at an intensity where you feel like you can push at least 2-3 more reps. Better to be safe than sorry or use the smith machine for the heavy lifts if you have one.

I've created a supplemental ab routine that I do after my lift, press, and pull days. I also do 30 mins. of cardio on my leg and weekly rest days. I try to completely rest on the weekends, but that just depends on how you setup your workout days.

If you see any places where I can make improvements on it, please leave a comment or message me.

Good luck!