Barbell High Snatch
Intermediate - Olympic Weight Lifting - Compound

Targeted Muscle Group

Upper Legs figure highlighted in blue


Upper Legs

Shoulders figure highlighted in blue


Triceps figure highlighted in blue


Recommended Equipment

Barbell equipment


How to do it

Steps :

1.) Start by standing in front of a barbell, feet shoulder width apart with an overhand grip position.

2.) Bring the barbell up to mid thigh position with a wide grip.

3.) Then pull up the barbell by driving up through your heels and raising the bar, quickly executing a second pull by extending through your hips and knees bringing the bar up as fast as possible.

4.) Continue to raise the bar up and overhead without re-bending your knees and hold for a count.

5.) Slowly return the bar back down to the starting position.

6.) Repeat for as many reps and sets desired.