3 Shoulder Exercises to Try in Your Next Strength Routine

When performing any type of strength exercise training for the shoulders, it is important to target all the muscles that make up the shoulder area. The three muscles that cover the shoulder capsule are as follows:

  • Anterior deltoid
  • Lateral deltoid
  • Posterior deltoid

This article will look at shoulder exercises that specifically target each head of the shoulder. We will offer a total of 4 exercises or one for each part of the deltoid. There is also one pressing movement that

Dumbbell Front Raise

1.) To begin this exercise; start off standing up straight holding dumbbells in each hand resting at your pelvis.

2.) Lift the dumbbells up and out so that they are extended in front of your shoulders, at your shoulder level, holding onto this position for a few seconds.

3.) Return back to the starting position.

4.) Repeat this exercise for as many repetitions as needed

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

1.) Start off standing up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping your abs tight and holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing towards your body.

2.) Slightly bend at your knees and then slowly raise your arms at your sides until your palms face the floor.

3.) Once you reach the top position, hold for a count, squeezing your shoulder muscles then return back to the starting position.

Tips :

1.) You want to feel as if you are leading with your elbows.

2.) Refrain from swinging the weights as that is improper form and your shoulders should do the lifting, eliminate any momentum.

Cable Bent-Over Lateral Raise

1.) Start by setting up handles on two low pulley cable machines and positioning yourself in between the machines with feet shoulder width apart.

2.) Bend down with your upper body, keeping your lower body still, so that your back is parallel with the floor.

3.) Grab each handle with the opposite hand and bring it in towards your chest, keeping arms crossed.

4.) Slowly let your arms extend outward, feeling a stretch in your shoulders and squeeze.

5.) Hold for a count then return back to the starting position.

6.) Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

Barbell Push Press

1.) To begin this exercise; start off with a power clean to get the weighted barbell from the floor to your shoulders.

2.) With the barbell rested on your palms and shoulder, bend your knees slightly and explode upward using your upper legs to overhead press, from the shoulders, the barbell above your head.

3.) Lower the bar slowly to your shoulders bending your knees until the barbell reaches the starting point.

4.) Repeat this exercise for as many repetitions as needed.

Final Thought

The exercises discussed here may not necessarily be the best options for some people. These are just suggested exercise that will more than do the job for building shoulder strength.

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